Thursday, April 29, 2010

Percy Jackson and The Olympians Book Chat

This is to discuss the book series Percy Jackson and The Olympians. Please be aware that if you read any further there might be spoilers!


  1. I loved the Percy Jackson series. I thought that Percy Jackson matured a lot through the series by taking responsibility and ownership of the prophecy. My favorite part in the first book was when Percy Jackson went on the quest and had to cut off Medusa head.

  2. I thought it was cool.In the fifth book I liked when they had the war. Gavin Sokolinsky

  3. If you haven't read this series you don't know what you are missing the five books in the series ARE AMAZING the writeing is good and the charitors are great. My favorite part was when the gods Ares Hepetaus Dionyns Athena Aperdite Hera and blah blah blah decides to kill them but they were outvoted
